
Long time.........

I have been long time din't write my blog already
Nothing speacial happen....
Jz work when have work
Damn boring la my life
during 24th dec me.kit.hao.jos.tat,dickson and his gf gang
v go sg wang countdown
at thr so many ppl arh...
so many ppl ply spray...
me oso kena not little
dat day i finish my work den i go meet them
hao reli......haiz
he dat day sick jor...
sick jor oso wan go countdown
haiz....later sick dao more serious den how?
still gt after countdown the nxt day they still nid go genting
Wa,,,,he reli metal made 1 haha
after countdown v all bac ady...
all bac to their own house but me go jos house over9
i 5.xxam only slp haha
den the nxt day 3.xxpm only wake up
wake up jor oso duno do wat
go ply jos pc and eat jos biscuit
haha his buicuit oso almost gv me eat finish jor ^.^
he keep ask me wan eat onot
den i say duwan
but he still repeat the same question
haiz...he gila jor
after dat about 6.xx i wan bac house jor
b4 dat i saw jos house d firdge so many hotdog haha
still gt many cheess,milk,biscuit.so many thg eat 1 his house
he told me although his mom not at house fews day n no money oso wont hungry d
the most shocked me d thg is Jos eat hotdog
haha...eat hotdog nth speacial rite?
but most shocked me d is he eat hotdog whitout cook the hotdog
Wtf lik tis oso can
me c dao oso gila jor
after a moment i go back to house ady...
Arh...almost 4gt to say is after countdown v go li kuan house 1st..
her house have a party
look so fun at thr..
all at thr oso looks happy

